10 templates for picture walls & photo walls

10 templates for picture walls & photo walls

The possibilities are endless when it comes to how to arrange your paintings and posters in a picture wall & photo wall. Here we have sketched out 10 different suggestions for picture walls that we hope you will use or can be inspired by when you design your personal picture wall.

Please note! In each picture, the dimensions (height x width) are given for the entire painting wall, including a distance of 5 cm between the paintings.

Classic Pair

Two images that belong together in color or style always feel complete. Let two images enhance or contrast each other.

Classic pair

Examples of two paintings in a painting wall, Posters Artichoke and Fishing Hut.

classic pair

Another example with paintings next to each other, posters: Morning Dew och Leaf


Tree is always a safe style in any type of composition. With paintings in the same size and frames in the same color, the painting wall holds together in a stylish way.


If you choose a larger poster in the middle that is surrounded by two smaller ones, you will get more dynamic.


Examples of a very nice triptych with posters: Limestones, Fishing hut och
Field Fence


More example with three posters: Lone House, Papaver och Head


Here you start from a centre horizon and place the posters above and below the line. Because the horizon creates a harmony, you can be free in the placement of the posters.


Example with four posters: Cluster of Sheds, Everyone agrees, Wilted Beauty och Sundown

Straight edge

Let the posters rest in a straight bottom edge or hang in a straight top edge so that the eye has something to relate to when it seeks balance among all paintings.

Straight edge

Very nice example with four postersin a straight bottom edge: Dried in Rows, Eggs, Artichoke och Fort Grains


If you choose to place your paintings standing on a chest or drawers, a cupboard or on the floor, let the most prominent, usually the larger one, stand in the back and the smaller ones wrapped in the front. It is also nice to combine standing that leaning next to hanging posters.


Example with posters standing on a shelf: Papaver, Molucella och Nigella Sativa


In this picture wall the posters are symmetrically placed on each side of a straight vertical line, where both the top and bottom edge can line up. This collage is well suited for a small wall.


Example on posters for a symmetry picture wall: Locked, Misty Pier och Reed


Example on four posters for a symmetry picture wall: Reed, Together, Locked och Brown Hut

the wind

Here you start from three equally large posters and place them in each direction from the center. The smaller one are then placed around.

small picture wall

Here you will use two sizes of posters and this combination is well suited for slightly smaller walls. The space in the lower right corner is fine for a piece of furniture, or a pedestal with, for example a flower.

large picture wall

A large wall where the posters can have space on the width. This template is suitable for example over a dining room table, in a hall or a sofa.

large picture wall

This combination is based on three larger posters and four smaller ones. The large ones are placed like a wind. They will point in three directions and the smaller posters balance up for the larger ones.

measurement of frames

Keep in mind that you can combine different sizes of frames to the same size of posters. Passepartoutguide:

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